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(Graduate Management System Program, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Khon Kaen University)

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1. ตำแหน่งทางวิชาการ ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์
2. ประวัติการศึกษา
ระดับ ชื่อปริญญา (สาขาวิชา) ชื่อสถาบัน, ประเทศ ปี พ.ศ. ที่จบ
ปริญญาเอก Doctor of Philosophy (Information Transfer) Syracuse University, United States 1999
ปริญญาโท Master of Science (Computer Science) Syracuse University, United States 1993
ปริญญาโท Master of Science in Statistics (Statistics) Chulalongkorn University ประเทศไทย 1988
ปริญญาตรี Bachelor of Science in Statistics (Second Class Honor) Electronic data processing Chulalongkorn University ประเทศไทย 1985

3. ผลงานทางวิชาการ
3.1 หนังสือตำรา หรือเอกสารประกอบการสอน    

3.2 งานวิจัย    
1. Tangmanee, C., Budratrakul, P. (2006). Securities analysis information seeking behavior and problem solving skills (in Thai). : . ().
2. Tangmanee, C., Sapsomboon, A. (2004). A comparison of efficiency of Internet banner's presentation styles and formats of hosting pages (in Thai). : . ().
3. Vanichbuncha, K., Tangmanee, C. (2003). Bank card holder's attitudes toward electronic commerce and factoring influencing those factors (in Thai). : . ().
4. Tangranee, C., Kumlung, A. (2003). internet Addictive Behavior among Chulalongkorn University Students (in Thai). : . ().
5. Komessopa, P., Tangmanee, C. (1991). Time Spending Behavior and Expenditure Patterns of Undergraduates in Bangkok Metropolitan (in Thai). : . ( ).

3.3 บทความทางวิชาการ    
   3.3.1 ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารระดับชาติ    
1. Tangmanee, C., Jiratnanyakul, P. (2013). “Effects of Scale Display Formats, The Number of Variables per Display and Use of Markers on visualizing Line Graphs.” Chulalongkorn Business Review, 35 (137). หน้า 55-69.
2. Tangmanee, C., Sujarit-apirak, P. (2013). “Attitudes towards CAPTCHA: A Survey of Thai Internet Users.” The Journal of Global Business Management, 9 (2). หน้า 29-41.
3. Sophonsukulsak, S., Tangmanee, C. (2013). “Effects of Label Alignments, Field Lengths and Number of Columns on Fixation Counts in Online Forms.” Chulalongkorn Business Review, 36 (136). หน้า 1-32.
4. Tangmanee, C. (2013). “Effects of Audio Feedback and Download Status Display on Perception of Delay: An Exploration in Thai Downloaders.” The Joumal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge , 18 (2). หน้า 373-379.
5. Tangmanee, C., Jiradnunyakul, P. (2013). “Effects of Scale Display Formats, The Number of Variables per Display and Styles of Grid Lines on Line Graph Visualization in Response to Difficult Business Queries.” The Business Review, Cambridge , 21 (2). หน้า 89-96.
6. Tangmanee, C. (2013). “Relationships among Two Visual Attentions and Fixation Duration on ad An Banner: An Exploration Through Eye-Tracking on YouTube.” Journal of Global Business Issues, 7 (1). หน้า 1-5.
7. Tangmanee, C., Rustanavibul,J. (2012). “Product Placement Online Games: An Exploration into Thai Gamers' Atitude.” The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge, 17 (2). หน้า 92-98.
8. Tangmanee, C. (2012). “Effects of Location and Animation of Internet Banner on Clickthrough Rates.” The Business Review, Cambridge, 20 (2). หน้า 155-161.
9. Tangmanee, C., Kittipong, L. (2011). “Impacts of Customization of Questionnaire Display and Use of Graphics on Attitude toward, and Amounts of Time to Complete, Online Questionnaires.” Chulalongkorn Business Review , 33 (127). หน้า 44-62.
10. Tangmanee, C., Achinanon, W. (2011). “The Ministry of Commerce's trustmark and characteristics of font effect on trust toward a text-selling website (in Thai).” Economics and Business Administration Journal, Thaksin university , 6 (1). หน้า 32-49.
11. Tangmanee, C., Somjaimitr, R. (2010). “Effect of rating scales and scale orientations on amounts of time to complete, and distributions of data from, online business questionnaires (inThai).” Applied Kasetsot Business Journal, 0 ( ). หน้า .
12. Tangmanee, C., Nidsunkit, S. (2010). “Impacts of shape and provocative message on Internet banner's clickthrough rates (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Review , 22 (87). หน้า 23-37.
13. Tangmanee, C., Sujarit-apirak, P. (2010). “Thai online practitioners' attitude towards CAPTCHA.” Journal of Information Technology Applications & Management, 17 (3). หน้า 43-56.
14. Tanaporn, S., Kanongchaiyos, P., Tangmanee, C. (2010). “Use of motion capture to analyze judo skills (in Thai).” The Journal of Engineering, 2 (2). หน้า 49-68.
15. Tangmanee, C., Purimansewi, K. (2008). “Factors predicting eBay auction's closing prices. (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Review , 21 (81). หน้า 28-44.
16. Budsaratragoon, P., Tangmanee, C. (2007). “Information Searching and Securities Analyst's Problem-solving Skill.” Chulalongkorn Review, 0 ( ). หน้า .
17. Tangmanee, C., Sapsomboon, A. (2007). “A Comparison of Efficiency of Internet Banner's Presentation Styles and Formats of Hosting Pages (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Business Review, 29 (112). หน้า 18-32.
18. Tangmanee, C., Poomlumjeang, M. (2007). “Amounts of time to complete, and distributions of responses from, an online business questionnaire when rating scales and web page designs are different. (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Business Review, 29 (113). หน้า 36-62.
19. Tangmanee, C., Nachin, N. (2007). “Relationships among performance indicators of Internet banners. (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Review, 19 (73). หน้า 15-30.
20. Tangmanee, C., Budsaratrakooi, P. (2007). “Securities analysts' information seeking and problem solving skill (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Review, 19 (76). หน้า 44-74.
21. Tangmanee, C., Sapsomboon, A. (2007). “Effects of display styles and background information formats on Internet banner effectiveness. (in Thai).” Chulalongkor Business Review, 29 (112). หน้า 18-32.
22. Tangmanee, C., Vanichbuncha, K. (2006). “A survey of debit card holders'attitudes toward electronic commerce (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Business Review , 27 (106). หน้า 15-37.
23. Tangmanee, C., Balmongkol, C. (2006). “An experimental comparison of techniques to increase the number of website visitors. (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Business Review, 28 (108). หน้า 13-35.
24. Tangmanee, C., Treepanya, S. (2006). “Effects of display delay and feedback usage on web-database usage efficiency. (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Business Review, 28 (110). หน้า 1-18.
25. Tangmanne, C., Vanichbuncha, K., Pookandavong, T. (2006). “Effects of prenotification on a response rate of mail business questionnaires. (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Review , 18 (70). หน้า 71-84.
26. Tangmanee, C. (2005). “An exploration of Bangkok Users' Needs of Mobile Functionalities. (in Thai).” Thai Joumal of Developmental Administration , 45 (1). หน้า 159-186.
27. Tangmanee, C. (2005). “Software Developers' Receptivity toward Acquiring User Feedback and their Use of Computer-Mediated Communication Systems.” The journal of business administration research , 1 (1). หน้า 37-58.
28. Tangmanee, C., Sawedratanasatien, E. (2005). “Effects of Presentation Styles, Formats, and Advertising Periods on internet Banner's Clickthoughs (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Review, 17 (66). หน้า 25-43.
29. Tangmanee, C., Sawetrattanasatiean. (2004). “A comparison of efficiency of Internet banners' sizes, formats, and locations (in Thai).” Journal of Communication Arts , 21 (2). หน้า 76-90.
30. Tangmanee, C., Tanrudee, Kittisak. (2004). “Profiles of applicants to Internet banking services and influential factors. (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Review , 16 (62). หน้า 55-80.
31. Tangmanee, C. (2003). “Designing a online storefront: An application of communication approach (in Thai).” Thai Journal of Developmental Administration, 43 (2). หน้า 105-126.
32. Tangmanee, C. (2003). “Patterns of Programmers' Use of Computer-Mediated Communication Systems.” Australian Journal of Information Systems, 11 (1). หน้า 27-36.
33. Sutiwaraphun, J., Tangmanee, C. (2002). “Applications of Data Mining Techniques in Business.” Chulalongkorn Review, 0 (56). หน้า 39-52.
34. Sootivarapan, J., Tangmanee, C. (2002). “Business applications of Data Mining Techniques (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Business Review, 14 (56). หน้า 39-52.
35. Tangmanee, C. (2002). “Information system usability (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Business Review, 94 ( ). หน้า 1-13.
36. Tangmanee, C., Seejumpee, S. (2001). “Internet addictive behavior: A case study of undergraduates in Chulalongkorn University's Faculty of Communication Arts ( in Thai).” Journal of Communication Arts, 19 (2). หน้า 11-25.
37. Tangmanee, C. (2001). “Programmers' Receptive Attitude toward Code Sharing and their Use of Computer-Mediated Communication Systems.” The NECTEC Technical Journal, 3 (10). หน้า 57-64.
38. Tangmanee, C. (2000). “Computer-Mediated Communication: A Critical View from Organizational Research.” Journal of Communication Arts, 18 (2). หน้า 98-105.
39. Tangmanee, C. (2000). “Programmers: A Critique on Communication and Software Engineering Issues.” The NECTEC Technical Journal , 2 (8). หน้า 135-142.
40. Dubin, D., Kwansnik, B., Tangmanee, C. (1996). “Elicitation Techniques for Classification Research: Order trees, Repertory grids, and Q-sort methodology in Fidel, R.; Beghtol, Clare; Kwasnik, Barbara H. & Smith, Phillip J. (eds.).” Advances in Classification Research, 5 ( ). หน้า 35-70.
41. Tangmanee, C. (1995). “Q Methodology (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Business Review, 63 ( ). หน้า 68-78.
42. Tangmanee, C. (1990). “Financial functions in spreadsheet package programs (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Business Review, 50 ( ). หน้า 4-17.
43. Tangmanee, C. (1989). “*SPSS/PC+ and its ability in creating contingency tables (in Thai).” Chulalongkorn Business Review , 46 ( ). หน้า 19-24.

   3.3.2 ตีพิมพ์ในวารสารระดับนานาชาติ    
1. Tangmanee, Chatpong; Nontasil, Pawarat. (2014). "Perception of Delay and Attitude toward Feedback Display: An Exploration into Downloaders' Demographics". International Arab Journal of e-Technology, 3 (4). Page 242-249.
2. Tangmanee, C., Rodworapol, T. (2013). "An Exploration into Thai Internet Users' Perception towards Onscreen English Fonts with Implication to Electronic Commerce". Journal of International Management Studies , 8 (1). Page 20-32.
3. Tangmanee, C., Jittarat, P. (2013). "Effects of Scale Orientations, Scale Formats, and Background Display Styles on Thai High School Students' Bar Graph Visualization". International Journal of Business and Information , 8 (2). Page 229-246.
4. Tangmanee, C. (2013). "What Are You Looking AT?: An Exploration into Fixations on Youtube Clips". Journal of International Management Studies, 13 (2). Page 29-36.

   3.3.3 ตีพิมพ์ในการประชุมวิชาการระดับชาติ    
1. Tangmanee, C., Lim, K. (2010). Impacts of Font-and-Background-color Customization and Use of Graphics on Attitude toward, and Amounts of Time to Complete, Online Questionnaires. ในthe 11th National conference on Statistics and Applied Statistics, จัดโดย เมื่อวันที่ .
2. Tangmanee, C., Nidsunkit, S. (2010). Impacts of shape and provocative message on Internet banner's efficiency. ในThe 3rd Business Management Research Conference, จัดโดย เมื่อวันที่ .
3. Tangmanee, C., Jittarat, P. (2010). Effects of Graph Orientations and Graph Dimensions on Bar Graph Visualization. ในThe 2010 National Computer Science and Engineering Conference (NCSEC 2010), จัดโดย เมื่อวันที่ .
4. Tangmanee, C., Purimansewi, K. (2009). Antecedents of Success in eBay Auctions. ในeCase 2009 conference, จัดโดยSingapore เมื่อวันที่ .
5. Tangmanee, C., Somjaumitra, R. (2009). A comparison of amounts of time to complete, and distributions of data from, online business questionnaires among different rating scales and scale orientations. ในThe 2nd Business Management Research Conference, จัดโดย เมื่อวันที่ .
6. Tangmanee, C., Sujarit-apirak, P. (2009). An Exploration into Thai Online Practitioners' Attitude towards CAPTCHA. ใน The ITAM2009 conference, จัดโดยKorea เมื่อวันที่ .
7. Chatpong Tangmanee. (2009). Antecedents of Success in eBay Auctions. ในthe eCase 2009 conference, จัดโดยSingapore เมื่อวันที่ .
8. Tangmanee, C., Somjaimitr, R. (2008). A comparison of amounts of time to complete, and distributions of data from, online business questionnaires among different rating scales and scale orientations. ในThe 2nd Business Management Research Conference, จัดโดยChiend-Mai university เมื่อวันที่ .
9. Tangmanee, C., Achinanon, W. (2008). Effect of use of Ministry of Commerce's Trustmark and font types on trust toward an electronic commerce website. ในThe 4th National Conference in Humanities and Social Sciences, จัดโดย Khon Khan University เมื่อวันที่ .
10. Tangmanee, C., Purimansewi, K. (2008). Factors affecting eBay auction's closing price. ในthe Academic conference, จัดโดย เมื่อวันที่ .
11. Tangmanee, C., Somjaumitra, R. (2008). A comparison of amounts of time to complete, and distributions of data from, online business questionnaires among different rating scales and scale orientations. ในThe 2nd Business Management Research Conference, จัดโดย เมื่อวันที่ .
12. Tangmanee, C., Achinanon, W. (2008). Effect of use of Ministry of Commerce's Trustmark and font types on trust toward an electronic commerce website. ในThe 4th National Conference in Humanities and Social Sciences, จัดโดย เมื่อวันที่ .
13. Tangmanee, C., Nachin, N. (2006). Relationships among Indicators of Quality of Internet Banners. ในThe 1st National Computer Science and Engineering Conference NCEB2006, จัดโดย เมื่อวันที่ .
14. Tangmanee, C., Treepanya, S. (2006). Impacts of Delay in Output Display and Use of Feedback on Efficiency of Web Database Usage. ในThe 10th National Computer Science and Engineering Conference (NCSEC2006), จัดโดย Bangkok เมื่อวันที่ .
15. Tangmanee, C., Banmongkol, C. (2004). An experimental comparison of website promoting techniques. ในThe National Conference of Electronic Business 2004 (NCEB2004), จัดโดยChulalongkorn University เมื่อวันที่ .
16. Sapsomboon, A., Tangmanee, C. (2004). Internet advertising when banner styles and presentations are different: A comparative study. ในThe National Conference of Electronic Business 2004 (NCEB2004), จัดโดยChulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand เมื่อวันที่ .
17. Tangmanee, C., Vanichbuncha, K., Pookandahawong, T. (2004). A response rate of mail questionnaires when prenotification is implemented. ในThe 5th Applied Statistics Conference, จัดโดยChiengmai University, Chiengmai, Thailand เมื่อวันที่ .
18. Tangmanee, C., Sawedratanasatien, E. (2004). A Comparison of Efficiency of Internet Banner's Presentation Styles, Formats, and Advertising Periods. ในThe Proceeding of the 4th Academic Page 5 Business Conference (ABC2004), จัดโดย Faculty of Management Science, Konkan University, Konkan, Thailand เมื่อวันที่ .
19. Tangmanee, C., Kumlung, A. (2003). Chulalongkorn University Students' Internet Addiction (in Thai). ในIn Proceedings of 41st Kasetsart University Annual Conference, จัดโดยKasertsart University, Bangkok, Thailand เมื่อวันที่ .
20. Tangmanee, C., Kumlung, A. (2003). The 41st Kasetsart University Annual Conference . ใน41st kasetsart University Annual Conference , จัดโดยKasertsart University, Bangkok, Thailand เมื่อวันที่February 02, 2003.
21. Tangmanee, C., Tanrudee, K. (2003). Internet banking services: Applicant profiles and influential factors. ในThe Second National Conference in Electronic Commerce (NCEB2002), จัดโดยKasertsat University, Thailand เมื่อวันที่ .
22. Rattanawicha, P., Tangmanee, C., Esichaikul, V., Gullep, E. (2003). Customer trust in Internet banking systems: An empirical study of Thailand. ในProceedings of CHINZ'03 The 4th annual conference of the ACM SIG CHI New Zealand chapter, จัดโดย เมื่อวันที่ .
23. Tangmanee, C. (2003). Mobile features: A study of Bangkok metropolitan users' needs (in Thai). ในProceeding of the 2nd MBA conference, จัดโดยBangkok เมื่อวันที่ .
24. Tangmanee, C. & Kumlung, A. (2003). internet Addiction and Communication Competency: A Case Study of Chulalongkorn University Undergraduates. ในThe 29th Congress on Science and Technology of Thailand (STT), จัดโดยThailand เมื่อวันที่ .
25. Tangmanee, C. (2002). Cybercommunication: Implications for Electronic Commerce. ใน The MBA 20-year anniversary conference, จัดโดย Bangkok, Thailand เมื่อวันที่ .
26. Tangmanee, C., Vanichbancha, K. (2002). Debit card holders' attitudes toward electronic commerce. ในThe First National Conference in Electronic Commerce (NCEB2002), จัดโดยBangkok, Thailand เมื่อวันที่ .
27. Tangmanee, C., Nachin, N. (2001). Relationships among Indicators of Quality of Internet Banners. ในThe 1st National Computer Science and Engineering Conference NCEB2006, จัดโดย เมื่อวันที่ .
28. Tangmanee, C. (2000). Computer-Mediated Communication: A Study of Programmers' Receptivity toward Code Sharing. ในThe 4th National Computer Science and Engineering Conference (NCSEC), จัดโดยComputer Science Department, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand เมื่อวันที่ .
29. Chatpong Tangmanee. (2000). Patterns and Predictors of Programmers' Use of Computer-Mediated Communication Systems. ในThe 1st Academic Business Conference (ABC), จัดโดยFaculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand เมื่อวันที่ .
30. Tangmanee, C. (1994). Elicitation Techniques for Classification Research: Q Methodology. ในProceeding of the 5th American Society for Information Science Special Interest Group/Classification Research (ASIS/CR) Workshop, จัดโดยMaryland: American Society for Information Science เมื่อวันที่ .
31. Tangmanee, C. (1994). Computer and Cognition. ในThe 5th ASIS SIG/CA Classification research workshop, จัดโดยMaryland เมื่อวันที่ .

   3.3.4 ตีพิมพ์ในการประชุมวิชาการระดับนานาชาติ (Proceedings)    
1. Tangmanee, C., Nontasil, P. (2012). Website Delay: An Exploration into Downloaders' Demographics. In International Conference on Business And Information 2012, 9, International Business Academics Consortium (BAC) Academy of Taiwan Information Systems Research (ATISR), During . Renaissance Sapporo Hotel, Sapporo, Japan.
2. Tangmanee, C., Jittarat , P. (2011). Effects of Scale Formats and Background Styles on Visualizing Bar Graphs. In The 2011 International Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, e-Education and e-Technology (e-CASE & e-Tech 2011), During . , .
3. Rattanawicha, P., Tangmanee, C. (2010). Information quality: A study of organizational level of expectation and satisfaction. In The 4th International Conference of Information Technology Application and Management: Culture, Tourism and Visualization, Rose Garden Park, During . , .
4. Tangmanee, C., Rustanavibul, J. (2010). Thai Gamers' Attitude Toward Product Placement In Online Games. In The 10th International Conference on Electronic Business, During . Shanghai, .
5. Tangmanee, C., Sujarit-apirak, P. (2009). An Exploration into Thai Internet Users' Attitude towards CAPTCHA. In Proceedings of The 2009 International conference on Electronic Busienss (ICEB2009), During . City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
6. Tangmanee, C., Sujarit-apirak, P. (2009). An Exploration into Thai Online Practitioners' Attitude towards CAPTCHA. In The 3rd International conference on IT applications and management: IT enalbled collaboration , During . The Korea Database Sociiety, Korea.
7. Tangmanee, C., Sujarit-apirak, P. (2009). An Exploration into Thai Internet Users' Attitude towards CAPTCHA. In International conference on Electronic Business in Macau (ICEB2009), During . China, .
8. Tangmanee, C., Rattanawicha, P. (2008). User Expectation and Satisfaction on Information Qualify of Websites in Different Domains. In The 2008 International Joint Conference on e-Commerce, e-Administration, e-Society, and e-Education , During . , .
9. Tangmanee, C. (2001). Computer-Mediated Communication: An Investigation into Software Developers' Receptivity toward Acquiring User Feedback. In The International Conference on Communication in a Democratic Society, During . Bangkok, Thailand.

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5. ภาระงานสอน

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